February 2025
Due to Mr. Winter giving us arctic air, snow, ice, and windy days, not much activity is happening on the Shenandoah River and local lakes. February can be a rough month for anglers. Thank goodness it’s a short month! This is the month cabin fever can set in, but that doesn’t have to be. Keep yourself busy preparing for the months ahead. Put new line on your reels. Get your fishing gear in order and clean out your boat. There are so many things you can do to be ready for the spring fishing season.
Bass will be in a winter pattern in February, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch a few. A three-day warming trend is what we need for an opportunity to get on the water. February is big bass month. You won’t catch many, but the ones you do catch will be above average size. You won’t need but a handful of lures. A jerk bait, a jig with a matching trailer, and a few finesse lures such as a grub or ned rig. Remember the lighter the line, the more bites you’ll get due to clear water.
Don’t be afraid to fish in that four-to-six-foot range. Some days, they are there, and my favorite
lure is the jerk bait. Make a long cast and jerk it down, use small jerks, and pause. At times,
you’ll have to let it set for 20 to 30 seconds. Try different sizes and colors. I prefer silver with a
black back. If they’re not responding to the jerk bait, you’ll have to go with a jig and fish the lower water column. Be slow with the jig. Drag it over rocks and wood, letting it set for periods of time.
The water temps are in the upper 30s to low 40s. Be careful, wear that lifejacket and watch
out for others that might need help. Good luck!
God loves when we gather to worship him. When we pray around the table before a meal.
When we read the Bible. God is pleased when we do those things, but I believe God’s desire is
for us to spend time alone with him. Here we are right in the dead of winter—not much to do.
What a great opportunity to do just that. You need a quiet place, your Bible, and no distractions.
Read scripture, pray, and talk to him. You can talk to your Heavenly Father just like you talk to
your earthly father. Tell him what’s going on in your life and ask him to help improve areas in
your life that needs improving. Perhaps you’re going through some hard times right now. Ask God for wisdom and strength, trust him and watch what he’ll do in your life.
Matthew 6:33 “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give
you everything you need.”
Have a great year.
God Bless,