Happy July!
This morning, I was thinking about how many of us plan our lives around the seasons. Summers are filled with beaches, mountains, cucumbers, and fresh tomatoes. We look forward to cooler temperatures, beautiful rusty colors, pumpkin spice, and family gatherings in the fall. Winter brings its own mood – the joy and memories of Christmas and then the long, dark midwinter evenings. By spring, we are all ready for sprouts, buds, and new beginnings. I am grateful we live in an area where we can celebrate the four seasons!
Garden news: I picked our first tomato yesterday. I think it’s the earliest one we’ve ever grown. My grandma always tried to have a ripe tomato by July 4th. She’d be proud of me this year! I finally put some organic spray on the cabbage– I hope I wasn’t too late. Those cabbage worms were having a feast! We saw a single Japanese beetle on the corn the other day. I hope it’s a lone ranger! (One year, they left the corn alone but attacked the grapes.) The herbs are going wild. My rosemary bush is four years old this year. It seems to like living in a south-facing spot. It’s also near the house, so I’m sure the bricks keep it warm in the winter.
During the second week of June, we took a week-long family vacation to our usual spot in Chincoteague. It was a fun time of family, (lots of) food, and fellowship. Our oldest daughter and her family visited New Zealand to see family (and Hobbiton!), so we missed them a lot.
We hope you enjoy the paper this month. Once again, it’s chock full of stories from around our communities. If you have a story idea or want us to advertise a public event, email the paper at info@thechimneyrockchronicle.com or trfcullers@gmail.com.
Enjoy July!
Until next month,