Hello friends,
It’s March! The month we welcome springtime! I have been on several sprout walks this month (an adventure I crafted in the dead of winter hoping to find signs of new life!). I’m not organized enough to create and maintain a true nature journal, but I make notes in my reading planner. On February 1, I saw iris and daffodil sprouts, and on February 22, I noticed those hearty little blue flowers that are some of the first plants to show their beautiful faces in the bleak midwinter.
While pursuing my reading journal for nature information, I also discovered that I have completed zero tasks on my “to do” list for the month. I enjoy writing down lofty goals, and it used to bother me that I rarely checked off much on the list. These days, I just smile and copy down the ones worth saving on to next month’s page. Perhaps someday I’ll finish a few. (Sorry, my productivity expert friends!)
The flies are starting to return to my classroom. One ended up in my freshly brewed cup of coffee this morning. It literally drowned in caffeine. We don’t have flies in our house, though. Or if we do, they don’t last long. Our cats love to chase, catch, and eat them! (We call them “cat raisins”!). You would think that given their short lifespan (between 15 and 25 days), the winged creatures could find something more meaningful to do with their time. Something better than circling my head, bothering my students, and ruining a perfectly good cup of coffee. My second block students and I discovered a fun fact about flies. They don’t perceive time as humans do. They see things up to four times faster than we do. So that flyswatter we wield so deftly and with such stealthy speed seems like slow motion to them. That explains a lot!
I hope you enjoy this month’s jam-packed Chronicle. I felt like I was piecing together a jigsaw puzzle when I did the March layout! As always, I’m grateful for our readers (that’s you!), writers, and sponsors – a lovely trio of kind folk who make each CRC issue possible.
Until next month, be safe, be happy, and be curious!