We are Sam and Kim Wilkins and we are retired full time RVers in search of 70 degree weather. Our home is now a 42-foot fifth wheel.
We sold our home and most of our belongings in order to see what this great United States has to offer by way of beautiful scenery. Along the way we have met some of the nicest people.
June brings us lots to celebrate. Sam turned 65 which means we’ve been learning so much about Medicare, we celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary and we celebrated Father’s Day. Now the word “celebrate” has changed with age. A cake full of candles can be a fire hazard. We did enjoy the many FaceTimes, phone calls and visits from family and friends. Going out to dinner has become our anniversary gift to each other. Father’s Day brought more FaceTimes, phone calls, visits and presents. We attended church and all the fathers were recognized with a round of applause and a gift. Retirees can be party animals. 😉
A gift from our oldest, Sharon Skates, has me going through old photographs and bringing back a flood of memories. Back in the day, before smartphones, we had these contraptions called cameras and you put a roll of film in them. After using up all the film you would take it to the stores to have it processed and pray you aimed the camera the right way or didn’t cover the lens with your finger. Well, I have boxes full of these pictures so it has made me very nostalgic. The goal for this gift is to select the oldest pictures, the ones that do not have negatives, to be digitized and kept on a disc or flash drive. It has been fun walking down memory lane, realizing how much time has passed and the reminder of just how very blessed we are.
We hope and pray you have lots to celebrate and are blessed with family and friends to bring you joy and happiness.
Blessings till next time.