January is a time to cozy up inside and dream of gardens to come. While you wait, why not discover what kind of plant you are via an old-fashioned magazine-style quiz?
1. When at a restaurant I prefer to:
A. Sit next to a window and watch the world go by
B. Sit near a beautiful piece of art
C. Sit near the buffet/kitchen
D. Sit near the restroom

2. I like to drink:
A. A glass of ice water
B. A fancy cocktail
C. A cup of coffee
D. Gatorade
3. An outfit I would wear is:
A. A comfortable pair of jeans and a favorite tshirt
B. The latest trendy outfit
C. Sweats or pajamas
D. A designer outfit
4. My favorite place to be outside is:
A. On a front porch
B. A sculpture garden
C. Somewhere warm and dry
D. Nowhere, I’m an indoors kind of person
5. The best holiday is:
A. Labor Day
B. Easter
C. Thanksgiving
D. Christmas
6. I like to travel by:
A. Train
B. Airplane
C. Car
D. Walking
7. My favorite dessert is:
A. Chocolate cake
B. Fruit parfait
C. Apple pie
D. Ice cream
8. My best subject in school is/was:
A. English
B. Art
C. Math
D. Lunch
9. The best shade of green is:
A. Spring green
B. Mint green
C. Jungle green
D. Emerald green
10. The best way to unwind at the end of the day is:
A. Reading a book
B. Journaling
C. Watching TV
D. Exercising
Tally up your answers and see what plant you are!
Mostly As: you’re a spider plant! A lover of sunshine and comfort
Mostly Bs: you’re an air plant! You prefer the finer things in life
Mostly Cs: you’re a succulent! You are a traditional type who knows what you like and sticks with it
Mostly Ds: you’re a peace lily! You might be a little high maintenance but you’re lovely and a joy to have around
Share what plant you are with us at the CRC! Special thanks to my good friend Stephanie Hutchins who pitched this fun idea to me when I was brainstorming ideas for this month’s column!