Ronnie Fulk

Ronnie Fulk

Born and raised in Fulks Run and graduated from Broadway High School in 1975. Worked at Macs Superette from the age of nine where most of my stories were heard. Co-owner of M & R Feed and Hardware in Fulks Run until 1985.
In 1985 started working at the United States Postal Service in Harrisonburg Va until 1993. Then assumed the roll of Postmaster of Quicksburg VA until 2013 when I became Postmaster of Fulks Run VA until my retirement in 2014. Finished my full time working career at Central Valley Truss in Fulks Run, retiring from full time employment October 2021. Since 1999, I occasionally fill the pulpit in local churches. Married to Cammie Anderson for 41 years, and we have two adult daughters, Rebecca and Sarah.

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