Congratulations to BHS Bands!
Sending out a heartfelt thank you this month to the BHS Band Boosters. A special event was held during the September 13th BHS Varsity football game, recognizing myself, David Snively, Paula Fair, Phil Bravo, Ben Frenchak, Becky Ford, and Cameron Flake for contributing to 20 years of competitive Marching Bands and the recent achievement of 15 years of Honor Band status for the Broadway High School Bands. It was great to see so many alumni Band members and their families—so many little future Band members! BHS Band Booster president Patsy Dove was determined to make this event happen, no matter what obstacles came up. Patsy’s efforts to recognize the more recent history of the Broadway Band program was much appreciated. I’ve said it many times before – best job ever!
A few random things heard around the Band room this week…..
(When a BHS sophomore band member couldn’t find his phone) “Don’t worry Mrs Brown, I can still call home. I know mom’s phone number from memory. You made me memorize it when I was in 7th grade, before we went to Busch Gardens – remember?”
(A sixth grade Band member, in response to, “you really should look at the music while you are counting and clapping rhythms”) “But I don’t know what any of that stuff means! (wait for it…)
(30 seconds later, the same sixth grade Band member, after we count/clap as I point to each note in his book) “OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! It’s just the same stuff we were doing before! This is EASY, I get it now!!!”
(from the drum majors) “AND NOW! Presenting….. ‘THE BASICS OF FOOTBALL’, a LIL-TORIA Production”
(from an eighth grader who just figured out how badly her personal instrument needed to go to the shop)
“Awesome!! THIS clarinet plays SO MUCH BETTER than mine does! I thought it was just ME!!!!)
(from two 8th grade boys) “Can we watch a video of two Orangutans boxing on the Smart Panel?” (My answer was “no” :o)
(from a seventh grader, walking into my near the end of the day). “I’m so glad it’s Friday.” (“uh…pretty sure it’s only Tuesday?) “Shoot. Really?”
(from a BHS senior, who was visiting JFH) “Oh wow! What do they have that old amp out for? I blew that amp up years ago HAHAHAHA!!!!”
JFHMS Music Mondays 2024-25
One afternoon each month we are offering an after school opportunity for fifth graders to come to JFHMS to try playing Band instruments! 5th graders are welcome to join us for as many “Music Explore Days” as they would like to attend. There are also Choral and Theatre opportunities mixed in there too! The cost of this program is free, and it is open to all fifth graders who sign up in advance. Details are available from RCPS music teachers.
Families must sign up in advance through their elementary schools (a link has already been sent out to families), so we can pair up your students to work with JFH and BHS Band members each month. There will be no instrument rentals, and no financial commitment is necessary to participate in this program. Instruments belong to, and will remain at JFHMS. Elementary students who sign up will have both group and one on one instruction, as they try out different instruments each month. For more information, please contact Cathy Brown, JFHMS Band Director (540) 896-8961.