October 8, 1881 – The cornerstone was laid for the Methodist Church in Quicksburg. The Tim-berville Brass Band was there and provided the music.
1901 – The railroad bridge burned. It was a covered bridge like our famous covered bridge on Main Street. It caught fire from the locomotive. The bridge there now was bult in 1929 by the Ro-anoke Iron and Bridge Company.
July 26, 1928 – A new fore alarm was installed on the roof of the Timberville Post Office.
August 28, 1931 – 15 thousand bushels of peaches were brought into the Mutual Cold Storage.
October 1942: The North Fork of the Shenandoah River was a couple of feet higher here than at any previous time in the memory of the oldest residents. This was the flood that washed away Carl Wine’s house on October 15.
Timberville Department Store moved across the river in 1948.
Newman’s Building Supply started in 1949 in the old D.S Wampler Store
Street lights were turned on for the first time in 1948
Passenger train service stopped for good in 1948.