Hello neighbors,
February is a short, busy month for our family. We have two birthdays, an anniversary, and Valentine’s Day. The larger our family grows, the more complex our schedules become and the harder it is to get everybody together at the same time!
I’m grateful that my children are much better planners than I, and they make sure we clear out our schedules for family gatherings. In fact, our daughter, Katie, has already reserved our summer beach house!
It’s hard to think about summer when wind chills are dipping below zero and your breath freezes in midair. But I can already notice that the days are growing longer. Spring may feel far away, but according to the calendar, it’s just around the corner.
Thank you once more for your faithful support of the Chronicle. Your gifts, kind comments, and sweet notes are what keeps us going.
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A special thanks to Eugene Bare of Bare Web Design for his hard work on the design and creation of our site.
Check it out at www.thechimneyrockchronicle.com.
Have a wonderful February, and stay by the fire!
Until next month,