As a stay-at-home mom, Karen wanted to “make memories” that our kids would look back on with fondness and joy. The problem? No extra money. She made it happen by keeping it simple, and that’s what our grown kids remember – the simple stuff. Playing games at the kitchen table… running through sprinklers on the lawn… making shadow animals with flashlights in a tent in the front yard… the simple things.
Karen also let the kids figure it out. After some whining about boredom, they’d soon be building with Legos inside, or out in the yard building a fort. They learned a lot without being taught. For example, brother and sister handled their differing play styles in a unique way. Using her Barbie dolls and an “RV” made out of a toaster-oven box and masking tape, they developed an ongoing drama of “Barbie Disasters.” She set up the family scene with little stuffed animals, play furniture, the RV, etc. His job was to creatively destroy the scene through mock natural disasters. Poor Barbie and family survived earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and then the scene was built again.
As you look ahead to your children’s summer vacation, what memories can you make without spending a lot of money? Here are few of Karen’s best free ideas in the local area:
Watch them make potato chips at the Route 11 Chips factory in Mount Jackson. Call ahead to make sure they’re cooking that day.
Stay up for “Broadway’s Spectacular Fireworks Show” (June 24).
Enjoy books, songs, and crafts at the Village Library’s “Fantastic Family Fun” events.
Take your report card to Park View Federal Credit Union’s Broadway Branch (E. Springbrook Rd.) to open an account and get cash for good grades.
For a rainy day: try Park View’s Zogo app. Kids can play fun financial education modules and earn real money (for ages 13+).
We all want family fun, warm memories, and lasting traditions, even when money is tight. Just remember this: don’t try to make it all happen – keep it simple! From your friends at Park View, here’s to a safe and happy summer!